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Anger Management


B.D.B.C. anger management course has been specifically designed to be used by individuals who have issues managing their anger. Our goal is to teach acceptable ways of expressing anger and to eliminate violent and self-destructive acts of aggression. By gaining a better understanding of self, each participate will learn to better control their anger so it does not lead to violent outburst.

Our curriculum is designed to be utilized in 8 to 52 group sessions consisting of 1.5 hours per session   


Victim (Survivor) Impact

Our Victim (Survivor) Impact Support Groups will help you to learn about the impact of crime on victims (survivors). You will have opportunities to learn information and skills that benefit you. The program challenges you to begin to focus on other people…people you harmed. This is not a class about sentencing laws or offender rights. The focus is on victims (survivors). Although you may already think about the people whom you have victimized, you may not know what it feels like to be victimized yourself. During this program, you will participate in activities, watch videos, and hear victims speak. You will see and hear directly from victims (survivors) about how their lives have changed.

This program consists of 13 units, built around 10 core crime topics: property crime, assault, robbery, hate and bias, gang crime, sexual assault, child abuse and neglect, intimate partner violence, drunk and impaired driving, and homicide. Each unit will take approximately 2.5 hours to complete. In this first unit, the facilitator will explain what the program is all about and go over the program objectives and ground rules for participating. The program is open-ended and conducted in ongoing groups where new members enter when assigned or as an educational program where all members proceed at the same time. B.D.B.C prefers and utilizes the latter.

Moral Reconation Therapy

MRT: Moral Reconation Therapy, utilizes an evidence-based workbook entitled "How To Escape Your Prison," this 152-page workbook is used with adults involved in the criminal justice system or in substance abuse treatment. The MRT workbook addresses issues related to criminal thinking and criminal needs, as well as substance abuse. This curriculum is used with all types of offenders including those in jails, prisons, community corrections, therapeutic communities, halfway houses, parole, probation, and DUI courts. Numerous substance abuse programs, both residential and outpatient. MRT is a proven SAMHSA NREPP program used for substance abuse and general treatment of criminal populations. MRT is the premiere cognitive-behavioral system that leads to enhanced moral seasoning, better decision-making and more appropriate behavior. 


This program consists of 16 steps, with 12 of these typically completed in an average of 30 sessions.


Batterers Intervention / Domestic Violence

This program is to be used by persons who have issues pertaining to Domestic Violence. It is used as a self-help, as a resource for self-help groups and for Batterers Intervention programs mandated by probation, parole and Departments of the Courts.


This course has been specifically designed to help individuals recognize and normalize their conduct and behaviors. One of its goals is to teach acceptable ways of expression by gaining the tools needed to change from violent controlling behavior to behavior that approximate mutual respect in interpersonal relationships. This will be done by utilizing a psycho-educational model approach which old attitudes and behaviors are examined and confronted. Positive, healthy forms of behavior are introduced. By gaining a better understanding of self, we will learn to better control our conduct, thus, improving communications so that we can become better listeners and communicators.


The ultimate goal of this group is to facilitate acceptable expressions of our behavior and to eliminate violent and self-destructive behaviors in our lives. We will learn to identify and control our own issues so it does not become a destructive force.


This course is a six part curriculum that covers approximately 52 weeks, 2.0 hours per session, 1 session per week.  We strictly adhere to the mandates of California Penal Code 11203.097  






For specific group, times, and dates, Contact (707) 434-4269or email


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