Better Decisions Better Choices Reentry Services Inc
Cognitive Educational Reentry Services Program
Housing & Job Skill Training & Placement Program

BDBC Reentry Services Inc. is a nonprofit reentry service program located in the city of Fairfield, CA. We are dedicated and passionate about improving the quality of life for those that are homeless, those on parole, probation, and other marginalized members in our community.
Job Skill Training and Employment Program
Need job skills training and placement? Check out our employment training and placement program. Our occupational program consist of a multitude of soft and hard skills necessary to meet the high demand for skilled and qualified workers. Our certification program will prepare you with the skills needed to secure employment, to see if you qualify for assistance click below.
  Housing PlacementÂ
  Program Services
Need a residential or transitional holistic program that offers cognitive educational classes, life skills, and a safe environment to transition into self-sufficiency. If you are on probation/parole/homeless or on the verge of homelessness check out our programs and housing placement to see if you qualify for assistance.
   Life Skills TrainingÂ
Have you been Court ordered? Or mandated by parole, probation to complete a cognitive educational class or group therapy. Or maybe a loved one or a friend has been mandated or someone needs an opportunity to enhance the quality of their life through education. If so, we have the evidence based curriculum to meet the requirements mandated by Court order, probation or parole.